A superior organic product with minimal ingredients and no unnecessary fillers.

We start at the beginning, by focusing on where our ingredients come from, to ensure you receive the highest quality, certified organic protein possible. We monitor each step from paddock to plate so the ultimate quality is maintained.

We don’t sell promises, we deliver a premium product that is organic, clean and wholesome. Produced in harmony with nature, as it should be.



It is the ingredients we don’t include that set us apart.

Less is more. Nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated.

Our products are non-GMO, free from preservatives, soy protein, pea protein, chemicals, artificial or natural flavours and added sugar.

We do not boost the volume of our product with inferior secondary ingredients nor add a small concentration of a particular ingredient just to make a marketing claim without substantiated benefits.

We use high quality ingredients in the right concentration to produce an effective product so you receive the maximum benefit of each ingredient.

Our products taste great naturally so there is no need to use artificial or natural confectionery-like flavours.



Transparency and traceability directly to the source is key.

We go one step further and not only disclose our full ingredients list but also our product formulation. So you know exactly what is inside each product

We work closely with suppliers to ensure our supply chain is transparent. All of our ingredients have a full audit trail and are single sourced from reputable primary producers rather than multiple sources.

Our whey and plant-based proteins are sourced from farmers that follow the best organic farming practices in an environment free from chemicals.



Inca Organics is a privately owned Australian company.

All products are developed in conjunction with nutritionists, naturopaths and food technologists.

Manufacturing is conducted in a Certified Organic (ACO) and HACCP production facility in Victoria, Australia with over 27 years’ experience manufacturing food products. Quality systems and lab testing ensure our products meet all relevant Australian standards.


INCA Organics proudly displays the ACO certification logo.

This certification is a measure of our commitment and passion for genuine and authentic organic products. It protects consumers from misleading claims and ingredient lists that do not comply with the paddock to plate standard of assessment.

ACO products or ingredients must be produced cruelty free, socially responsible, biodiversity friendly, non-GMO and grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, hormones and antibiotics. Unlike organic there is no consensus about what “natural” or “eco” means.

“The only way to ensure something is organic is to seek and rely on a certification mark such as the “Bud” logo from Australian Certified Organic (ACO).”


The clean-living trend demands more than impressive ingredient lists.

INCA Organics is manufactured in Australia under the highest quality standards.  With sustainability front of mind, we choose packaging that is made from recycled materials, recyclable and biodegradable wherever possible.


Ours is simple, pure and organic guaranteed.

INCA Organics is a Melbourne-based brand in the active and lifestyle nutrition space offering premium and transparent products with minimal ingredients, minus all the unnecessary additives.

We are dedicated to sourcing and manufacturing the highest quality, fairly traded, organic ingredients worldwide.

We felt overwhelmed by the number of products with seemingly impressive ingredient lists and unrealistic promises that fell short of expectation. Looking deeper uncovers artificial contents, clouded ingredients lists, dubious supply chains and no guarantees of what is actually in the tub.

We wanted a guarantee from an independent regulator that INCA Organics was serious about its claims.

INCA Organics chooses the minimalistic approach. The milk in our whey is sourced from cows that graze on unadulterated, pristine pastures, free of GMO and without the use of antibiotics and added hormones. Our hemp is grown using best practice organic farming methods.

We decided to stand out.

A clean label with minimal ingredients, fully traceable and transparent. Effective formulations with 1-4 clean, pure ingredients of the highest quality. Fully audited and certified organic by Australian Certified Organic (ACO).

Since launching Australia’s first Certified Organic Whey protein powder, INCA Organics continues to gain a strong following amongst informed health-conscious consumers and professional health practitioners.

We love what we do and hope you do too. Join us in our quest for pure and healthy nutrition.


Director, Inca Organics


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